The Streams
Paladin, through its delivery company Paladin Hydrogen and it’s associated IP company Paladin Securities, has acquired, developed and applied patented technology to develop two (2) Streams as follows;
Stream 1
C2H2 coal to hydrogen Production Plant(s)
Stream 2
Cseq carbon sequestration Plant(s)
In 2022 Paladin secured existing waste-to-energy technology and adapted it to substitute the municipal solid waste with coal and then enhanced it further into a process for the conversion of coal into clean (carbon zero) hydrogen. It is a chemical process, there is no combustion of the coal, and any carbon emissions are sequestered into an inert substance that is useful for a range of products such as bulk construction materials.
We have named this process C2H2 (coal to hydrogen). C2H2 is composed of 5 sub-processes which we have named Process A, B, C, D and E.
Unlike wind and solar “renewables” Paladin set out to provide a genuinely carbon-zero footprint which includes ensuring our Scope 3 emissions are recycled and neutralised within the C2H2 closed system. One of the reagents in the chemical process is formed from lime, which is purchased from 3rd party suppliers. In recognising that lime is produced by burning limestone, which emits CO2, Paladin acquired a proven and patented technology to produce its own carbon-zero lime by sequestering the captured CO2.
Paladin is currently developing a working commercial sized prototype in Williamstown, Melbourne, for the sequestration of CO2 which we have named Cseq and is the Process D within the overall C2H2 Process.
Cseq will lock away the carbon within captured CO2 by converting it into bicarbonates, which renders it as an inert output, thus negating the requirement for the controversial carbon storage options that are being applied in CCS undertakings currently. Further to this, with the addition of water (including seawater) into Cseq, Paladin can produce even more carbon-zero hydrogen, which in turn pays for the operating costs itself and reduces the production price of clean hydrogen from the overall C2H2 Process. There are numerous applications for bicarbonate use and we are developing these as our R&D initiatives expand beyond the completion of Cseq.
Paladin now owns the Patent and the IP outright and is developing it further to sequester CO2 from other sources beyond lime production, including for example, gas fired power stations. In which case we expect that Paladin can deliver a Cseq ‘Bolt-on’ Plant that can be established alongside the power station, and can generate hydrogen for blending with the natural gas fuel, whilst also sequestering the CO2 captured from the power station.
The first C2H2 Plant is being prepared for development at the Tasmanian State Government’s Bell Bay Hydrogen Hub, utilising thermal coal from Paladin’s wholly owned coal mine and coal resource located in the Fingal Valley coalfields in Tasmania.
A commercial prototype of the Cseq Plant is currently nearing completion in Williamstown, Melbourne and is being assessed and accredited by one the world’s largest and most prominent EPC companies, who will assist Paladin in scaling up Cseq Plants as Bolt-on plants that will be installed immediately adjacent to existing industrial plants and power stations that have high CO2 emissions, thereby enabling those installations to become carbon free.